Training Services

Professional Development Program

Interlink Technology Services Indonesia (ITSI) has developed a Professional Development Program

designed to meet the needs of two levels of management within an organisation – Senior and Middle management.

A series of modules have been developed for each level recognizing that different knowledge and skills are required to allow individuals to more effectively fulfill their roles and functions. Each module uses action based learning techniques to ensure immediate application of the knowledge gained to their workplace.

Individuals can attend modules separately or sign up for the complete series. As with all of our modules they can be delivered in-house or as a public program.

Successful completion of the program will enable attendees to seek advanced standing towards many of the Interlink Group’s suite of qualifications and recognition of prior learning towards industry based certifications.

Enterprise Risk Management


  • To provide participants with guidance on “how to establish an ERM Framework” within their workplace
  • To provide participants with a better understanding of the application of ISO 31000 to support GRC within an organisation
  • To provide a platform for participants to raise their issues and challenges with establishing an enterprise risk management culture

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Give us a call or send us an email and we will get back to you as soon as possible!

(+6221) 7988545